Welcome to ABCON Plc - Research & Consulting Firm in Ethiopia!

The Social, Marketing, and Opinion Researchers based in Addis Ababa with extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative research, survey design & management, sampling & sample design, data processing & organizational development studies.

Leverage ABCON’s service delivery approach grounded in multiple research paradigm for credible survey outcomes!

Multi-disciplinary approach, Multiple Insights!

The research & consulting house providing contextually relevant services in Ethiopia since 2000!

Welcome to ABCON Plc - Research & Consulting Firm In Ethiopia!

ABCON Plc - has now earned nearly sixteen years of experiences providing consultancy services to a number of governmental and international organizations in development projects financed by the World Bank, USAID, SNV, and EU.


Research and Development Studies

This unit is responsible for undertaking research and development studies in economic and rural development, health, education, small business development, and marketing issues.

Organizational Development Studies

This is one of the strategic business units entrusted with providing consultancy services on organizational development, change management, performance management, business ...

Data and Statistical Service (DSS) Center

At the heart of our R & D studies lies the backstopping the team of principal researchers receives from DSS. ABCON Plc has a dedicated Center responsible for designing Survey Methodologies...

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Satisfied Customors


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1.izi        2. HiiL logo 15 web  3. FES Logo    4. FMC logo                                   

5. British Council      

USAID HSFR          

BBC MA logo                                   

Contact Us

Adiss Ababa-Africa Avenue,KIBIAD Blg No.987,3rd Floor,Room15(Infront of Shoa Shopping Center)

Tel.Off.+251 (0)115-537-061/(0)115-531-470/(0)115-521-696


Fax +251 (0)115-150-331

mulu.mtg@gmail.com / info@abconltd.et



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